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------ -------- ------ FULLY WORKING DEMO ------- -------- ------
FAR+ - FAR directory enhancement program v0192-DEMO
For TBBS 2.2 sysops using TDBS v1.1.x or GamePak TDBS
Copyright (C) 1991, James E. Toro BBS Concepts
!!!! - This demo will expire on 03/01/92 - !!!!
--->>> Support bbs - 516-938-6722 - Leave message to the SYSOP <<<---
vox - 516-938-1729
fax - 516-938-0675
> The fully-functional and enhanced version of FARPLUS is <
> available for $15. See the file FPORDER.TXT for more info. <
If you are a seasoned TBBS sysop you are probably aware of the
.FAR file area option which links many TBBS Pseudo-Directories
into one group of areas. While this feature is very useful for
regular users or sysops it can cause some confusion for new
users. Also, the FAR system has a "feature" which allows a
user to execute certain commands and have them take effect
on ALL the pseudo directories that are in the .FAR area. Commands
like <N>ew or <L>ist can allow a user to search ALL directories
even if the user did not want to do so. Most sysops who have
a "Uploads Library" generally have ONE area which gets the
daily or new uploads and then several dozen or more areas which
have categorized files, like utilties or communication programs.
The .FAR commands <N>ew or <L>ist will allow a user to search
ALL your areas for new files, even if they would only be in
one particular area. If you run a bbs with a big file area you
know how annoying it can be to watch a user go to your "recent
uploads" area and type a command like <N>ew, only to list ALL
50 or 60 areas of the .FAR group. Also many new users may
go to a specific file area and do a <L>ist with a string after
it and not only get the requested search for that single area, but
also all other areas in the .FAR. Another annoyance is to see
a user select an area and do a list of the files, if they get the
download prompt back and accidentaly hit RETURN then they get
kicked out of the .FAR and go back to the calling menu. I have
spent countless hours watching new users do the above commands
and make many mistakes using the .FARs and that has lead me to
come up with an TBBS .FAR enhancement utility.
Release note:
This version contains:
1) Ability to create a .FAR database directly from your unaltered
TBBS ".FAR" file. An external program will read the .FAR and
build the .FAR database and then create a TEXT file of the
new .FAR database for your perusal. This text file can help
you to quickly see if the build of the .FAR database went well
and is a good hard-copy offline reference for what your
.FAR areas numbers, paths and descriptions are.
2) This program does NOT require ANSI or color. Only BRIGHT WHITE
text and clear screens are used. No direct cursor placement is
3) This program will allow users to see ALL .DIRS in your .FAR as
though they were an actual .FAR BUT all the dirs are treated
as seperate like a TYPE=46 menu option. This enables users
to perform any of the standard "download prompt" functions
but ONLY to the specific file area of the .FAR they are in.
4) This program keeps the user in the requested .DIR of the .FAR
until they decide to change areas or quit out of the menu option.
What this means is that they can accidentaly hit return and not
get bounced back to the calling CTL menu. Rather they go to
a option line to either switch areas OR quit the .FAR option.
Every time they hit return at the download prompt without entering
a command or option the program will jump to the menu which allows
them to change areas or back to the down prompt/command line.
Repeated hitting of return toggles them between these two
different option lines. See "Running info" for details.
5) FAST OPERATION. Don't be fooled that because this is a TDBS
application that it is slowed by TDBS. This program uses
the DOTBBS function for ALL actual file directory handling
so the users do not experiance the normal TDBS processing
overhead. You can have DOZENS of users running this function
at the same time and nobody will sense a slow down other than
normal system loading.
6) Seamless operation. This program does not have any startup
screens or copyrights. This function actually looks like an
enhanced version of the TBBS type=4 .FAR function.
For the information below it is important to understand that a
TBBS ".FAR" is normally handled with a TYPE=4 menu option that
calls a .FAR file. This program will create a .FAR DATABASE
that mimics the TYPE=4 but actually uses the TYPE=46 Pseudo
directory download menu options. Any reference to Opt Data
settings for TYPE=46 are made because that is the actual function
that is used for the file handling of the file directories of
this .FAR simulation program. I hope that makes sense.
Unzip the zip file and you will find three files:
FARPLUS.TPG - The TPG program for FAR+
FARBUILD.EXE - The .FAR database builder
FARPLUS.DOC - This DOC you are reading.
FARPLUS.DBF - The FAR+ database
FPORDER.TXT - Registration form (Please feed the author!)
Create a special sub-dir for these files ON YOUR HARD DRIVE.
After you unzipped the file that was holding this info file,
you ended up with several files and 1 TPG. Copy all of them
to the new sub-dir you created for this program.
NOW, copy the .FAR directory that you want to use INTO THE NEW
NOT be modified by this program NOR do you need to modify it from
any existing formats for use here. The .FAR must follow the
standard .FAR format. Each directory to be handled in the
.FAR must have its path, directory name and extension in this
.FAR. If your .FAR works with TBBS, it should work here, with
no editing.
Run the FARBUILD.EXE program and watch what it reports. It will
ALWAYS start by clearing out the existing FAR+ database and then
will import the .FAR file into the database in the new special
fields format. If the import goes okay then the program will
create a OUTPUT TEXT LISTING called FARPLUS.TXT. This text file
is for reference only. Quickly review it to see if ALL areas
imported correctly and if the files paths AND descriptions line
up in the listing. If all went well then you are done building
the .FAR database. You can run this as often as needed just by
copying the .FAR file you want to work with into this sub-dir and
re-running the FARBUILD program.
NOTE!: TBBS allows you to use a special optional ACCESS authorization
flag parameter for each area in your .FAR if you choose
to. That would give you the ability to limit users to
areas only matching certain A-Flags in their userlog record.
This program will NOT use the OPTIONAL ACCESS data in a
.FAR if it is found. You do not have to remove it from the
.FAR, but be aware that any line containing the
'An=X--.----' type data will be treated like any normal
line in your .FAR. This special parameter is rarely used
so I decided to leave it out of this program.
Next create a TYPE 200 menu option. It should contain OPT DATA
with the following:
(Here we assume "C:\FARPLUS" is the sub-dir. The program to call )
(is FARPLUS.Use the "/Q" option to remove the TDBS loading screen.)
(If you don't use the "/Q" users will be able to tell this is a )
("door" and not an internal function!!. )
This free version does not limit anyone from using the program, so
you will have to create a menu with a privilege level high enough
to keep out unwanted users. ALSO since this program acts like a
group of linked TYPE=46 menu options, this demo will not allow
you to change the OPT DATA for the TYPE=46. The default
options for this demo are:
(Date precedes file desc, pre-check transfer time against limits)
(default extension is ZIP if non specified by user, DO NOT list )
(files automatically, do not use alternate directory format )
( ALL other non-specified options are TYPE=46 defaults )
--> The $15 REGISTERED version allows you to create ANY kind of LEGAL
--> Opt Data for the directory handling so that you can customize the
--> TYPE=46 as needed.
Now bring up TBBS and run the new menu option.
After the TPG is installed as a menu option the user will then call
the function just like a TYPE=4 but it will act like a group of
linked type 46's. The first thing the user will see is:
Current Area = '1 - Recent User Uploads'
Hit return to use this area, A to switch areas, Q to quit ->
The above line will always "dump" the user in the first file
area of your ".FAR" group of areas. The area number is listed
along with the correct area description from your real .FAR with
the little single quotes on either side to highlight it.
The next line gives the option to use the area, switch to another
area or quit. If the user just hits Q to quit he will exit out
of the menu selection and go back to the calling menu. If the user
hits the A to switch areas he will be presented with ALL the areas
available. 18 areas are displayed along with the option to choose
one, quit the option or continue listing them. If the user wants
to select an area HIGHER than one listed they can do so, but not
one higher than the highest you have or they will get a warning message.
If the user does not quit out or pick a specific area, hitting return
displays another 18 areas and continues to do this until ALL areas
of your .FAR database have displayed. If you have less than 18 areas
they will display normally. If the user simply hit return from the
"Current Area...." prompt above they are dumped to the actual TYPE=46
menu option. If they chose to select another area they will see
the above prompt again but with the new area number and the new
area description. When they are done switching areas or just hit
return at the above prompt, the TYPE 46 prompt comes up like this:
<P>rotocol, <E>xamine, <N>ew, <L>ist, <H>elp
Selection or <CR> to exit:
Of course the above is the standard TYPE=46 option. With this current
setup the files will not automatically list, in the registered version
you do not have to do it that way, you can create any OPT DATA choices
for your preference. My experiance is that NOT displaying the files
automatically is prefered by users as many have MNP or V.42 modems
and don't want to get the listings started if they just want to
perform a command or type in a file. With the error correcting modems
they will get the elasticity while the files start to display and
they may not understand why the files are listing, they try to hit
the S or P to stop or pause but continue to get a stream of data
due to the buffering. I always recommend you dump the user at the prompt
and let them do the files listing if they want. The above command
line "<P>rotocol, <E>xamine......" may not look the same if you
used EDLANG to change it. The "Current Area" prompt above it will
always look the same, only the area changes as they select it.
NOW, at the above prompt the user can enter any normal command that
they would be allowed to in this type of TYPE=46 menu option. If they
do a <N>ew command or a <L>ist then ONLY that area they are in will
be processed. The other areas of this ".FAR" will not be processed
because we are simulating the ".FAR" with this FARPLUS program.
If they just hit return they will go back to the "Current Area.."
prompt. At that point again they can use the area, change areas
or quit to the calling menu. If they repeatedly hit return they
toggle back and forth from the "Current Area..." prompt and the
"<P>rotocol, <E>xamine...." prompt. This is especially useful for
new users who almost always seem to hit return spasmodically and
get kicked out to the calling menu. The only way to the menu is to
select the quit option from the "Current Area...." prompt.
This is really a simple process that your users will pick up and they
will soon realize that they no longer can do a <N>ew to check
all areas at once OR use the <L>ist with a string to list ALL occurances
of a string in all areas. If you have a big file area you probably
created a <Z>ippy search which will do this much faster and will
not beat the crap out of your hard drives. On the other hand if
you want users to be able to do a <L>ist or <N>ew or some other
legal command to affect all areas of a .FAR then you probably don't
want to use this program.
Sysops console display:
When a user executes this function, the sysop console will at
first show the UD200, which denotes that the user is running a
TDBS "door", but when a user ACTUALLY picks an area the sysop
console will show them doing a "Pdnld" which is a TBBS function.
I don't quite understand how TDBS calls TBBS internal functions
but this process of using a TDBS application to simulate an
enhanced TYPE=4 is just as fast as the TYPE=4 itself.
Final Notes:
This version does not allow you to customize the TYPE=46 optional
data. The registered version allows ANY legal switches the
TYPE=46 can handle. You will be able to enter the switches for
the TYPE=46 handling of this simulated .FAR by adding them to
the menu option that calls the FARPLUS.TPG program.
All I do for a living is run my bbs and write TBBS/TDBS applications.
If you have a full time job and like the stuff I write, please
consider registering the programs you use. I think the fees I request
for my programs are very reasonable and most of the programs are
usually very useful enhancements or extensions of the TBBS environment
which require alot of thought and watching over a bbs to devise the
best possible implementation for each program. If I continue to get
the support of the TBBS sysops, as I have in the past, I will continue
to write all these oddball programs for reasonable prices.
The End?-
Since its obvious I don't write documentation for a living and
don't intend to spend lengthy time writing an extensive manual for
what is quite a simple program, it is possible I left out a few
items that may be important to you. If you find bugs or problems
in using this program or if you have any comments or criticisms,
you can contact me via mail on the following systems:
PDSLO BBS - 516-938-6722 - JIM TORO or SysOp
- 516-938-0675 - (FAX machine)